Convert JSON String to Object/Array

Depending on how you’re delivering and formatting your data, there are cases where a variable is passed as a JSON string. DocuMerge does accept and will recognize JSON via webhook and our API integrations. However, and especially with HTTP Post Key/Value Pairs, one or more of your values may be a JSON string. When viewing…

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Depending on how you’re delivering and formatting your data, there are cases where a variable is passed as a JSON string. DocuMerge does accept and will recognize JSON via webhook and our API integrations. However, and especially with HTTP Post Key/Value Pairs, one or more of your values may be a JSON string. When viewing your incoming data in DocuMerge, it might look something like this:

“product”:“{“id”: 1, “name”: “Samsung Universe 9”, “price”: 1099, “stock”: 53}”

Because this was delivered as a string, DocuMerge may not interpret this as a JSON object. To overcome this, use the “Field Map” tab of your Document or Route and apply the json_decode / json_encode Functions. Here’s the steps:

  1. Open the Field Map

    Navigate to your document or route for the incoming data in question. Click on the “Field Map” tab.

  2. Find the Variable

    Locate the variable(s) where your data is, or may be, passed as a string of JSON.

  3. Add the JSON Functions

    In the text fields of each respective variable, add the json_decode/json_encode functions. Given our example above, we’d enter into the “product” field:
    {$_product = json_decode($product, true)}{json_encode($_product)}

    If our data may only at times contain a JSON string, we could add additional logic in attempt to detect a JSON string.
    {if $product|strstr:"{" and empty($product|strstr:"}")}{$_product = json_decode($product, true)}{json_encode($_product)}{/if}

  4. Save the Field Map

    Make sure you click “Save Field Map” button to apply your changes.

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