Document Settings Tab

This section allows you to customize your document’s main settings

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In this section, you have the ability to update various document attributes, including the document name, output settings, timezone, folder location, and status. Additionally, you can configure Advanced Settings too. Basic settings are on left side and the Advanced Settings are on the right side:

First thing you can update on this tab is document name which is first input available.

Other options explained in their own articles:

Just like the output options, the Advanced Settings vary depending on the output type you choose. For example, if you select PDF as the document output, two additional Advanced Settings will appear: Password Protect File and Restrict PDF Permissions. These settings are specific to PDF files, allowing you to add security and control access to the document. This dynamic customization ensures that you have the appropriate tools and settings based on the selected output format. For more details about Advanced Settings please check Document Advanced Settings article.

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