Document Template Versioning

DocuMerge will save your last 30 revisions. This applies to both uploaded templates (office and PDF templates) as well as HTML builder templates. Version history includes: To view your revisions, and optionally revert to one:

Image Description

DocuMerge will save your last 30 revisions. This applies to both uploaded templates (office and PDF templates) as well as HTML builder templates.

Version history includes:

  • Uploaded/Saved At (timestamp)
  • Uploaded/Saved By (user name)
  • Editor Type (if an HTML/WYSIWYG builder template)

To view your revisions, and optionally revert to one:

  1. Open Your Template

    Select the document template you wish to view your revisions of.

  2. Select the “Document Builder” or “Manage File” Tab

    Depending on whether you used the Document Builder or uploaded a File as your template, this tab will vary in name.
    -> Document Builder
    -> Manage File

  3. Select “Version History”

    Find the “Version History” button and click it. You’ll be presented with your available template revision history.

  4. Select “Preview” or “Download”

    To view a specific revision, you’ll have the option to “Preview” when using the DocuMerge Document Builder or “Download” if you provided a File as your template.
    -> Document Builder -> Preview
    -> Manage File -> Download

  5. Revert as Needed

    If you wish to revert to a prior version, select “Revert”.


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